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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

#tips 3

Okay topik kali ni... nak ade lecturer tak dlm sg????

(Aku tau dh lari dari topik yang aku janji dulu tp ntah laa aku nak tulih psl ni dulu)

Ikut korang laa korg nak atau tak...

Awal2 ni cari laa specialists or mo or registra yg pernah rapat dgn korg... approach dorg... ckp gini k

Errr dr.. kami ni final year student... kami ade sg lebih kurang 12 org... boleh tak kami nak mintak dr ajarkan pasal o&g kat ktrg? Maybe once a week ke? Long case or short case or teaching topic yg susah ke

Try je... kdg2 korang rase alamak!!! Scary nye nk g tanye dorg... purghhhlissss babe...!!! They are nice until proven otherwise!!!! Igt tu...

But then again bear in mind... u can only approach certain doctors... paham??
Cnthnye: dh tau laa dr2 ong ni bapak laa bz... g laa approach registra instead of specialist. Tak pun young n new specialist. 
2 - ent or opthal - x payah laa nak kemarok sgt g approach dr2 tu skrg... pe kejadahnye g bljr terok2 for minor posting. Approach dorg yime study week
3 - peads - spnjg ak peads time final year ade sorg je registra yg layan student n nice to student eh2... silap2 3 org... 2 laki sorg perempuan. If u do know them approach them if not ade sorg specialist eh2... ramai gak hahaha yg blh dijadikan mentor korg.
4 - surgery - this one is tricky. Pandai2 hidup maaa.

The rest tu ... pandai2 laa.. kalu nk gak tau which specialist or reg yg ok try je tanye dorg try n error babe...
Kalau nk tanye ak pndpt aku boleh sila laa emel I...

If u r  running ur sg w.out any mentor macam aku .. boleh je... konfident babe... confident. Tapi time study week cari laa dr2 ni. BELIEVE ME THEY ARE MORE THAN WILLING TO HELP US. Percaya!!! Ok...

Monday, June 10, 2013

#tips 2

Okey sambung lagi...korg tgh present ssm ke?

Papepun mesti korang tgh stress hahaha baguih2

Okey ... topik kali ni: study group

Ada jenis study group time final year:
1 - permanent study group
2 - posting study group
(Terpulang pd korang nak bape byk study group time aku dulu aku cuma ada permanent study group)

**posting study group**
Aku cuma ada time family medicine je. Okey korg akan di÷ pd 5 posting. Setiap posting plak akan di÷ pd bbrp kumpulan kecik. Ada yg pegi hti or hsr or hukm. Pilih kwn2 dr posting yg sama & kumpulan yg sama supaya nanti kalu korang pegi hti korang pegi sekali so study group korg boleh bwk pegi hti. Ade paham?

**permanent study group**
Pilih laa sesiapa yg korang suka dari mana2 posting. Tak kesah laa bapa byk pun. The more the merrier. Aku dulu 12 org tapi tup2 time sg kdg2 4org je yg ada. Sbb nye ada yg g hti laa hsr laa oncall laaa. Lepas tu time study week 3 weeks b4 pro exam - kalau ramai sgt permanent sg ni pecah jadi 2 kumpulan.

Amaran: kalau korang bukan jenis yg berstudy group maka jangan laa buat. Kalau nak try, try laa awal2 ni kalau xblh nk click sila keluar dgn SEGERA.
Tp plg pntg time final year adlh berbincg laa ngan kwn2. Korg akan hafal & paham lg cepat

Next topik: pe nk buat time sg?

(Nie sume adalah berdasarkan pengalaman, kalau suka amik kalu x suka diam2 sudah)

Ni plak ayat yg sorg consultant bg kt aku yg I.allah akan aku pgg smpi akhir hayat: all specialist (male) are married untill proven otherwise.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tips final year medical ukm #1

Ok.. aku pun tak tahu laa korang dh masuk sem ke belom.?.
Tapi aku dpt rasakan korang belom masuk lg. Tgh pening2 dgn ssm agaknya

Ok laa time2 ssm ni.... ada yg siap dulu ada yg tak siap2... tp kalau korang nak tips utk preparation ke final year... yang ni jelaa aku boleh bagi mengikut pengalaman sendiri

1 - susun nota2 korang dari 3rd year smpi 4th yr (kalau rasa nak binding maka binding laaa)
Kenapa kena susun???
    Percayala korang x smpt nk buat notes baru utk final year... korang bgantung harap pd notes zaman2 dahulu kala.

2 - susun buku2 3rd yr smpi final yr. Susun ikut posting. Senang nak cari nnt. Mana2 yg bg junior pinjam tu. Cari balik buku. Simpan!!!
(Sila pastikan sume buku2 kecik utk every posting ada - korg sempat baca buku2 kecik je time posting final year e:g oxford medicine, handbook sarawak, churchill surgery etc)

3 - susun cpg. Beli sume cpg (LATEST cpg) kalau nk jimat & ada smartphone download simpan dlm phone.

4 - habiskan semua postmortem. Both yang kena perform & observe.  Usaha habiskan time ssm selagu x masuk posting sebab korang xde masa time posting - kena g hti laa hsr laa kena g KK

5 - apa yang nak baca??? Baca laa pape pun ... hahaha


Thursday, May 17, 2012

study group part I

Almost everyone will be busy forming a new study group once semester start. everyone wants to be in a study group but NO one wants to the leader =) ... it is not easy to handle 4-5 different person in a group, everyone have their own attitude & their very own way of thinking. it was even harder to ensure the group dynamic. 

I have been in a study group since 2nd yr but I was serious with it started when I was in 3rd year. Since I have been the leader for my study group for 2 years, I like to share with all of you especially UKM medical student how I manage my study group

First, find a number of people that interested to be in your study group. MAKESURE you guys are in the same posting/module. it can be either all are same gender/race/age or different gender/race/age. When I was 3rd yr, my group consist of 8 person then 4th year 5 person. however, we decided that we want it to be in the same gender =) I guess we are comfortable with it. The most appropriate number is maybe 4-5 person in a group (less chatting :p)

Then, find your study guide, since you going to get it late from the academic department, go find your seniors study guide (thats how i usualy do it), get the topic list for all module/posting. IF you cant get the topic list e.g, psychiatric - go find SST (notes that been done by our senior). IF you like then you can buy the SST but for me just BORROW from senior or friends that already bought the book. 
example of SST
Make your topic list. Start to list all the topic. I list the topic like the picture below. I make 3 column. 
  • 1st column - bil of the topic 
  • 2nd column - topic 
  • 3rd column - name of person that in charge to present the respective topic 
I usually type all the list then distribute them in hardcopy plus softcopy in case they lost the list.

eg: study group

Decide how many times per week you want to do study group and how many TOPIC per night. This is a very important step. If you didnt calculate and decide earlier you will drag you study group up until the last week of posting which was not a good thing to do. what you nid to do is when you have the list of topic, calculate how many do you have. E.g, you have 44 topic for a particular posting namely posting X. Every posting usually 8 weeks. Try to finish your study group b4 8th week usually by 6 or 7th week. then let say you want to have 3 days per week of study group. Now lets do the math:

3 days per week x 6 week (IF you want to finish in 6 week time) = 18 study group session 

44 (total topic) divide by 18 = around 2 or 3 topic per night 

so MAKESURE your study group present MINIMUM of 2-3 topic per night for 3 days per week for 6 weeks . Insya-Allah you will finish your study group in a very efficient way =) 

to be continued ...........

its getting late now , i need to sleep yawnn... Insya-allah i will update regarding study group again 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

NICU posting

NICU posting pediatrics 4th yr UKMMC

everyone will be posted there for 2 weeks
two groups per rotation
you yourselves have to choose your own supervisor during the rotation
we have (Prof C & Prof R)
both hv their own pros & cons

your job is to cover all the bed that hv your supervisor name on it
its not much
usually one bed per each student
my advice - cover by the name of the patient NOT bed
they always change bed there

I got prof R
her wardround usually in the morning around 10-11am OR late in the evening (3-4pm)
one wardround everyday
cover your patient- really cover
know the patient & patient MOM history
she definitely much more interested with the mom history
no teaching with her
she likes to asks the preclinical thingy
if she ask you then you dont know... make sure for the next wardround you already read it
she definitely gonna ask again
believe me!!! she remember faces

she likes to ask ...
oxygen desaturation curve & SpO2
& know the common disease inside NICU (anaemia-metabolic bone ds- jaundice- NEC - ARDS - etc)
etc... (whatever inside the guidelines)

enjoy your NICU posting

as i didnt enjoy mine

do click my nuffnang... hehehe thnx