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Tuesday, June 21, 2011


since i cant study so write

for autopsy doctor gonna take :
  1. fingerprint
  2. blood : DNA (on paper), toxicology (purple tube), alcohol (grey tube)
  3. stomach content except MVA case
  4. urine (rarely seen any doctor took this sample)
  5. if homicidal case : take fingernail & hair
we can predict time of death using :
  1. hypostasis
  2. rigor mortis
for hypostasis :
3h to 8 hrs of death : the hypostasis is not fixed - its blenchable (hopefully i spell it correctly) means that if you press the hypostasis it will turn white
aftr 8hrs : the hypostasis is FIXED - if you press the hypostasis the colour remain red

there is one interesting test : FLOATATION test
put baby lung into water - wait for it to float
if the baby alive b4 he/she is dead : the lung will float
if the baby never alive : the lung will sink

thats all

now to my cwu : wish me luck

click on my nuff k??? thnx

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