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Thursday, December 8, 2011

NICU posting

NICU posting pediatrics 4th yr UKMMC

everyone will be posted there for 2 weeks
two groups per rotation
you yourselves have to choose your own supervisor during the rotation
we have (Prof C & Prof R)
both hv their own pros & cons

your job is to cover all the bed that hv your supervisor name on it
its not much
usually one bed per each student
my advice - cover by the name of the patient NOT bed
they always change bed there

I got prof R
her wardround usually in the morning around 10-11am OR late in the evening (3-4pm)
one wardround everyday
cover your patient- really cover
know the patient & patient MOM history
she definitely much more interested with the mom history
no teaching with her
she likes to asks the preclinical thingy
if she ask you then you dont know... make sure for the next wardround you already read it
she definitely gonna ask again
believe me!!! she remember faces

she likes to ask ...
oxygen desaturation curve & SpO2
& know the common disease inside NICU (anaemia-metabolic bone ds- jaundice- NEC - ARDS - etc)
etc... (whatever inside the guidelines)

enjoy your NICU posting

as i didnt enjoy mine

do click my nuffnang... hehehe thnx

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