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Saturday, July 24, 2010

anticoagulant 1 :heparin:

we have 2 anticoagulant


  • large molec means it cannot cross placenta hence can be given to pregnant lady
  • can b given eithe sc or iv
  • work as co factor -> heparin bind to antithrombin -> antithrombin change it configuration -> AT bind to thrombin -> making thrombin inact due to AT n heparin complex
  • 2 types - low molec weight LMW n high molec weight HMW
  • LMW -> high DOA , inhibit xpecially factor Xa, example enoxaparin
  • HMW -> increase AT actvt n inhibit xpecially fact IIa n Xa
  • adverse effect -> haemorrhage (antidote=protamine)/hypersensitivity/trombocytopenia
to be continued....

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